June 29, 2023

History taking and Examination

Through the pages of a patient’s story, we uncover the artistry of their health journey.

The core crux of medicine is its history taking and clinical examination. History taking is an art of connecting, ruling out and then coming to a diagnosis. It’s the jewel of medicine and most of us lack the proper knowledge of how to take a proper history even after asking all sorts of what, why, where, how? To let you have a hold on this learning, MEDSICON 2024 has come up with a very novel workshop of history taking and clinical examination. 

The workshop will cover the following areas :-

  • History taking (unskilled)
  • History taking – the correct, skilled way

For queries and further details, contact:

  • Niharika Negi (7055034344)
  • Prama Singh (8800855500)
or e-mail us at medsicon.vmmc@gmail.com